The project will generate a webpage that displays basic info about a Team members. So we can have a quick access to their emails and GitHub profiles
In addition a unit testing is written to make code maintainable, in every aspect.
Please find the repository link and the application deployment link.
Application Deployment
GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input
WHEN I am prompted for my team members and their information
THEN an HTML file is generated that displays a nicely formatted team roster based on user input
WHEN I click on an email address in the HTML
THEN my default email program opens and populates the TO field of the email with the address
WHEN I click on the GitHub username
THEN that GitHub profile opens in a new tab
WHEN I start the application
THEN I am prompted to enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number
WHEN I enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number
THEN I am presented with a menu with the option to add an engineer or an intern or to finish building my team
WHEN I select the engineer option
THEN I am prompted to enter the engineer’s name, ID, email, and GitHub username, and I am taken back to the menu
WHEN I select the intern option
THEN I am prompted to enter the intern’s name, ID, email, and school, and I am taken back to the menu
WHEN I decide to finish building my team
THEN I exit the application, and the HTML is generated
ScreenShots The following image shows screenshot of the generated HTML’s appearance and functionality:
Data Input
Creanting Index.html
Index.html generated
Index.html displayed
Unit test performed
Data Input
Unit Test
My application will use Jest for running the unit tests and Inquirer for collecting input from the user. The application will be invoked by using the following command:
`The application were devoloped using object-oriented programming.